Контрольная работа 4, Вариант 2

Иностранные языки
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25 Мар 2021 в 10:30
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300 ₽
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117.5 Кбайт 300 ₽

Выполнены задания контрольной работы. Так как задание перевода текста не требует - перевода текста нет.


Упр. 1. Инфинитив (Infinitive)

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. В каждом предложении подчеркните инфинитив и укажите его синтаксическую функцию (подлежащее, часть именного сказуемого, дополнение, определение, обстоятельство).

1. The Indian government plans to upgrade its aged railway infrastructure to enhance its quality of passenger services.

2. Freight cars to be sorted and loaded are situated on the reception line.

3. It is impossible to increase train speeds without improving the stability of railway track.

4. To ensure safe operation of HS trains, the JNR regularly runs two types of test cars on the line to check electric and track facilities for any defects.

5. The function of the ATO system is to start and stop the train, to select the speed of running and to keep strictly to the schedule.

(Б) Составьте предложения их двух подходящих по смыслу частей. Переведите на русский язык те предложения, в которых инфинитив употребляется в функции определения.

1. The purpose of traffic control is to prevent accidents and …

a) where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers and freight.

2. A train station is a rail facility …

b) to locate the faulty equipment.

3. By 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Railways is planning …

c) are equipped with comfortable aircraft-type seats.

4. Wooden sleepers are treated with creosote …

d) to make railroad operation faster, more efficient and reliable.

5. The chief engineer was the first …

e) to protect them from decay.

6. New passenger cars to be introduced by the end of the year …

f) to expand the railway network to 120,000 km, of which 10 % will be HSR systems.

Упр. 2. Неличные формы глагола (Participle I, Participle II, Gerund, Infinitive)

Подберите к английским словосочетаниям (A) русские эквиваленты (B), учитывая правила перевода неличных форм глагола.


1. after repairing the engine

2. the mechanic repairing the engine

3. to repair the engine

4. while repairing the engine

5. for repairing the engine

6. the engine to be repaired

7. having repaired the engine

8. the task is to repair the engine

9. without repairing the engine

10. the engine repaired by the mechanic


a) без ремонта двигателя

b) двигатель, отремонтированный механиком

c) отремонтировав двигатель

d) для ремонта двигателя

e) чтобы отремонтировать двигатель

f) после ремонта двигателя

g) ремонтируя двигатель

h) механик, производивший ремонт двигателя

i) задача состоит в том, чтобы отремонтировать двигатель

j) двигатель, который нужно отремонтировать

Упр. 3. Инфинитивные обороты

(А) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. В каждом предложении подчеркните инфинитивный оборот "Сложное подлежащее".

Model: He is unlikely to be able to get tickets for this train.

Вряд ли он сможет достать билеты на этот поезд.

1. When container cars were first introduced, they were thought to be used only for carrying valuable goods.

2. The railways are known to use the electric rolling stock on the most heavily used trunk lines.

3. The proportion of containerized freight carried by rail in Australia is expected to increase from 50 % to about 80 % by the end of this year.

(Б) Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. В каждом предложении подчеркните инфинитивный оборот "Сложное дополнение".

Model: They expected the train to arrive on time.

Они рассчитывали на то, что поезд прибудет вовремя.

1. Track maintenance work can require dispatchers to adjust train schedules.

2. Extremely hot temperatures can cause the railway track to buckle.

3. The railway companies suppose the number of passengers to reduce by 2 % after increase in train fares.

(B) Составьте английские предложения, соответствующие по смыслу русским предложениям. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в предложениях с инфинитивными оборотами "Сложное подлежащее" и "Сложное дополнение".

1. Говорят, что скоростные поезда будут пущены по этому участку магистрали в начале следующего года.

are said of early next year to be introduced high-speed trains this section on the mainline

2. Несомненно, что железные дороги ещё много лет будут служить человеческой цивилизации.

are sure man's civilization for many years to come to serve the railways

3. Новые автоматы для продажи билетов позволили железной дороге снизить цену билетов и случаи неуплаты за проезд.

the railway fare evasion to reduce new ticket vending machine of enabled the price the cases of and tickets

4. Инженеры хотели, чтобы новый локомотив прошёл испытание в условиях зимнего периода на железной дороге Аляски.

to be tested under wanted winter conditions Alaska Railroad severe on the engineers the new locomotive

Упр. 4. Условные предложения (Conditionals)

(А) Перепишите следующие условные предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Укажите тип условных предложений.

1. If the marshalling yard is modernized, it will be able to sort five thousand freight wagons a day.

2. If Westinghouse hadn't invented the air brake, the problem of how to stop trains quickly, smoothly and safely wouldn't have been solved.

3. If the track weren't properly maintained, it would soon become so rough that it would be dangerous for trains to run upon it.

(Б) Закончите предложения, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу:

1. If the speed of trains were increased …

a) the carrying capacity of the railway line would be raised.

b) the number of rail passengers would sharply decline.

c) the railways would carry only passenger trains.

2. If people hadn't learnt how to build bridges and tunnels …

a) they couldn't have constructed high-speed railways.

b) they couldn't have travelled by trains abroad.

c) they couldn't have overcome such obstacles as mountains and rivers.

3. It will take you 3 h and 45 min to get from St. Petersburg to Moscow …

a) if you went by Sapsan.

b) if you had gone by Sapsan.

c) if you go by Sapsan.

4. If there were no track ballast, …

a) the ties will sink unevenly into the subgrade.

b) the ties would sink unevenly into the subgrade.

c) the ties would have sunk unevenly into the subgrade.

5. In 2008, a Metrolink commuter train wouldn't have collided head on with a Union Pacific freight train …

a) if it had passed a stopping signal.

b) if the engine driver applied brakes.

c) if hadn't ran through a red signal.

Упр. 5. Типы вопросительных предложений (Types of Interrogative Sentences)

Перепишите предложения и задайте к ним вопросы. Тип вопроса указан в скобках.

1. The train was delayed for two hours by snowdrifts. (специальный)

2. A special committee has been set up to find out the causes of the freight train derailment. (общий)

3. Nowadays, all rails are made of steel. (альтернативный)

4. Ninety British shunters will be overhauled during the next 3 years. (разделительный)

5. Separate compartments in passenger carriages first appeared in Europe in 1873. (общий)

6. In summertime, trains run every 10 minutes, taking holiday-makers through to the popular resort. (специальный)

7. The new Chinese maglev train is expected to open its doors to passengers only in 2027. (разделительный)

8. The Kuibyshev Railway carries about 20 million passengers annually. (альтернативный)

Упр. 6. Текст

(А) Прочитайте текст, устно переведите его на русский язык и письменно выполните послетекстовые упражнения.


The Quighai-Tibet railway (QTR) is a high-altitude railway that connects Xining to Lhasa in China. The total length of the QTR is 1,956 km. Construction of the 815-km section between Xining and Golmud was completed in 1984. The 1,142-km section between Golmud and Lhasa was inaugurated by president Hu Jintao on 1 July 2006. This world's highest railway is considered one of China's major accomplishments of the 21st century.

More than 960 km, or over 80 % of the Golmud-Lhasa section, runs at altitudes in excess of 4,000 m above sea level. There are 45 railway stations, among them the Tanggula (at 5,068 m) the world's highest station. 38 stations are unstaffed and monitored by the control center in Xining. 675 bridges, totaling 160 km are built and about 550 km of the railway is laid down on permafrost. A lot of technical difficulties connected with building railroad tracks at this altitude and on permafrost area had to be overcome. Among them were freezing temperatures all year round, lack of oxygen, fierce sandstorms, frozen soil and strong ultraviolet radiation.

The Tibet Railway project involved more than 20,000 workers supported by more than 600 medical staff. Over 6,000 pieces of equipment were deployed. 17 oxygen tents were provided along the length of the line. In the Fenghuoshan Tunnel, an oxygen-producing station was specially built. (The Fenghuoshan Tunnel is the highest tunnel in the world that is constructed over permafrost at 4,905 m above sea level.) In the Kunlun Mountain Tunnel, workers had to carry 5-kg oxygen definitely the world's longest tunnel built on permafrost.) The railway was opened to regular service in October 2006. Since that time, five passenger trains have run between Golmud and Lhasa, and one more train between Xining and Golmud. The operating speed is 120 kmh, 100 kmh over sections laid down on permafrost. The trains are specially designed for high-altitude environment. All passenger cars are pressure-sealed and equipped with special enriched-oxygen and UV-protection systems. Besides that, there is an individual oxygen mask at each seat. A Passenger Health Registration Card2 is required to take the Golmud-Lhasa train. The card can be obtained when purchasing the ticket. Passengers must read the health notice3 and sign the agreement on the card. On 28 August 2006, a 75-year-old Hong Kong man was reported to be the first passenger to die on the train. He had suffered heart problems but insisted on travelling to Xining.


1 Quighai-Tibet railway - Цинхай-Тибетская железная дорога

2 Passenger Health Registration Card - регистрационная медкарта пассажира

3 health notice - медицинская памятка (предупреждение об опасности для здоровья)

(Б) Перепишите следующие фразы и выпишите из текста их английские эквиваленты.

1. проходит на высоте свыше 4000 метров над уровнем моря

2. самая высокогорная станция в мире

3. железная дорога уложена в зоне вечной мерзлоты

4. пришлось решить много инженерных задач особой сложности

5. отрицательные температуры в течение всего года

6. мёрзлый грунт

7. были разработаны специальные поезда, предназначенные для работы в высокогорных условиях

8. все пассажирские вагоны герметично изолированы от окружающей среды

9. система подкачки кислорода и система защиты от ультрафиолетового излучения

10. каждое место оборудовано индивидуальной кислородной маской

(В) Перепишите следующие вопросы к тексту и ответьте на них.

1. What is considered one of China's major accomplishments of the 21st century?

2. The total length of the QTR is more than 2,000 km, isn't it?

3. What technical difficulties did railway builders have to overcome?

4. How many passenger trains run on the Quighai-Tibet railway since 2006?

5. Does this railway carry freight trains?

6. Where are trains to run at a lower speed?

7. What are passengers to have to board the Golmud-Lhasa train?

(Г) Перепишите предложения. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, напишите TRUE (верно), если не соответствует – FALSE (неверно), если в тексте нет точной информации – NOT STATED (не сказано). Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1. The Quighai-Tibet railway is a high-altitude railway built in China in the 19th century.

2. The first two passenger trains were "Qing 1" from Xining to Golmud, and "Zang 2" from Golmud to Lhasa.

3. The world's highest railway station is called Tanggula Mountain.

4. Within the Xining to Golmud section of the line, there are 45 stations, 38 of which are unstaffed.

5. The 1,338-m Fenghuoshan tunnel is the highest rail tunnel in the world at 4,905 m above sea level.

6. Regular commercial services on the Tibet railway began on 1 July 2006.

7. The trains are equipped with special enriched-oxygen and UV-protection systems to operate in high-altitude environment.

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