3 маленьких сочинения

Иностранные языки
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Срок сдачи
13 Дек 2018 в 10:00
10 дней
12 Дек 2018 в 20:28
Описание работы

Написать 3 сочинения, каждое буквально на полстраницы.

1. Imagine that you have won a million dollars from gambling. In an essay, first consider how you would feel acquiring such a huge sum overnight. Next explain what you think you would do with the money, and give the reasons for your decisions. In your conclusion, say whether winning so much would be morally corrupting. Try to incorporate at least one proverb concerning money into your text.

2. Would you say that your culture is particularly materialistic? After defining the term materialistic, examine this question in an essay, giving as many reasons as possible to support your answer. In your conclusion, compare attitudes toward money in your country with attitudes in the United States.

3. Henry James wrote a famous story, “The Turn of the Screw,” in which the supernatural plays an extremely important part. The story was later made into a movie and an opera. Write an essay about a story, play, movie, or opera you know in which the supernatural is a dominant element. Briefly recount the plot. Then, using lines 34-50 of “The Rocking-Horse Winner” ( в приложении) as a model try to recreate the atmosphere of the work and say how you were affected.

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