Write about the way setting shapes the effect and meaning of the story Mayhew by Somerset Maugham.

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80% Антиплагиат.РУ (модуль - Интернет Free)eTXTadvego
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17 Дек 2018 в 19:00
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10 дней
16 Дек 2018 в 18:50
Описание работы

Cover the following points in your essay: 600-800 words

1)Make a short introduction about the subject and theme of the story.

2) Characterize temporal setting:

  • What is the general temporal setting of the story?
  • Is it the same throughout? How does it correlate with the plot of the story? What is the significance?

2)Characterize the physical setting

  • Does the action take place in the same location? Is it equally vivid (vague) throughout?
  • What is the correlation between changes in physical setting and the plot?
  • What setting comes into the narrative focus? What is the significance for the story?

4)Interaction between setting and conflict:

  • What is the conflict (source of tension)?
  • How does setting correlate with the development of the conflict?
  • How does setting participate in shaping the conflict?

5)Conclude by formulating your answer to the essay question.

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