Compare and contrast two futuristic international marketing projects

Работа с текстом
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70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
8 Июл 2020 в 06:00
10 дней
3 Июл 2020 в 12:41
Описание работы
Compare and contrast two Futuristic International Marketing Projects, based on your two favourite prospectus brochures, not including your own. You are an associate in a private equity investment firm, explaining to your fellow associates about your decision to invest 1 million US dollars for a stake in the equity of one of these projects and not the other.
You must (A) summarise the strong points of both the two projects,
(B) justify why you prefer one of these projects more than the other, and
(C) outline conditions for your firms’ investment in either of the projects, i.e. in terms of changes that you would prefer to be made to the projects.
Discuss both of the projects at each of the steps A, B, and C.
This is an ‘informal essay’: you do not need to follow a specific format, use perfect academic style, or include citations, but you do need to introduce your key points and themes at the beginning (introduction), and summarise those key points and their implications at the end (conclusion).
Keep your sentences interesting, relevant, and concise.
You don't need to demonstrate any knowledge of equity investment, but your choices and suggestions should exhibit your knowledge of international marketing which you have assimilated (not copied) from the textbook, our lessons, and the construction of your own Futuristic Project.
You should display an awareness of how international and cross-cultural differences, as well as global social and economic trends, influence the opportunities and difficulties that marketers face, and some of the techniques and strategies they can use to succeed in a challenging, shifting environment for international marketing.
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