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Описание работы

Семинар называется Challenges and targets for the conservation of biodiversity in Latin America, география

минимум 15 страниц текста

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able of contents

List of abbreviations, figures and tables, if applicable

1. Introduction: with question (2-3 p.)

2. Methods: brief reflection on the approach; possibly theoretical framework or analytical approach; possibly investigation area (0.5-3 p.)

3. Results: Results of your research, with sub-chapters; factual representation; plus point are own Figures and tables summarizing results (10-15 p.)

4. Discussion: Classification and discussion of the results with regard to the question; with further sources (3-5 p.)

5. Conclusion: own conclusions, assessments and recommendations; without further sources (approx. 1 p.)

6. Bibliography

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Вот требования к оформлению

Length: 10,000 to 15,000 words, excluding title page, table of contents, and list of


(= ca. 15 to 20 pages of written text)

Page margins: top, left, right = 2.5 cm, bottom = 2 cm

Fond size: Arial or Times New Roman 11 pt

Structure and approximate number of pages (p): The structure represents the common

structure of a research paper or report in the natural sciences. Insert page numbers except

for front page and table of contents page:

Title page (1p)

Table of contents (1p)

1 Introduction and problem statement/research questions (ca. 2p)

2 Methods (ca. 1p)

3 Results (= presentation of facts, statements, and figures/tables) (ca. 4p)

4 Discussion (= a critical discussion of the results using further literature sources) (ca.


5 Conclusions (= your own point of view, no references required) (ca. 1p)

6 List of references (= at least six scientific papers) (ca. 2p)

Figures and tables: Figures and tables need to be numbered and referred to in the text –

for example: "Figure 1 shows that …." / "The number of protected areas was higher in

Finland than in Sweden (Table 1)". The table number and title appear above the table; the

figure number and title appear below the figure.

List of references: Underpin background information, facts, and statements with adequate

references. Use at least six scientific papers published in international journals. If you rely

a lot on internet sources and grey literature, provide a brief explanation in the methods

section. References need to be cited in the text as [Author Year]; the full reference is given

in the list of references (alphabetical order!). Make sure that you cite references in a

consistent manner, for example, using the "Ecology" template (endnote) (ПРИМЕРЫ ОФОРМЛЕНИЯ ИСТОЧНИКОВ В ТЕКСТЕ И БИБЛИОГРАФИИ)

(Akçakaya et al. 2006, Schmitt et al. 2009, Ashcroft 2010, Friis et al. 2010, Dormann 2013,

Hansen et al. 2013)

Akçakaya, H. R., G. Mills, and C. P. Doncaster. 2006. The role of metapopulations in

conservation. Pages 64-84 in D. Macdonald and K. Service, editors. Key topics in

conservation biology. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Ashcroft, M. B. 2010. Identifying refugia from climate change. Journal of Biogeography


Dormann, C. F. 2013. Parametrische Statistik. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg,


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Вот как звучит тема

The impact of mining on rainforest in Latin America

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