4 курс вариант 6 текст Education in Russia и работа с текстом

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краб 4 вар 1 EDUCATION IN RUSSIA.doc
13.8 Кбайт 120 ₽
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 курса 6 вариант
Задание 1: прочитайте и переведите текст.
Every citizen of our country has the right to education this right is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not only a right but a duty too. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, a foreign language and others.
After finishing 9 forms of a secondary school young people can continue their education in the-10 and the 11 form. They can also go to a vocational or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession. A college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and a profound knowledge in one or several subjects.
After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a college young people can start working or enter аn institute or a university. Institutes and universities train specialists in different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes 5 years. Many universities have evening and extramural departments. They give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Institutes and universities usually have graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral degrees.
Education in our country is free at most schools, There are some private primary and secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. Students of institutes and universities get scholarship. At many institutes and universities there are also departments where students have to pay for their education
Topic: «Education in Russia»
Задание 1: Заполните пропуски словами из правого столбика.
1. Every ... of our country has the right to ....
2. This right ..... by the Constitution,
3. Every boy and girl must get .....
4. At schools pupils study
и еще 7 предложений
Задание 2: Вставьте нужные вспомогательные глаголы и ответьте на эти вопросы.
1.What right ... every citizen have? 2.... this right guaranteed by the Constitution? 3... it a duty? 4.When ... children go to school? 5.What academic subjects ... pupils study?6.Where .... young people continue their education (after finishing 9 forms)? 7. ... they go to a vocational school? 8.What subjects ... students study? 9.When ... young people enter an institute or university? и еще вопросы
Задание 3: Переведите
1.Каждый гражданин нашей страны имеет право на образование. 2.Это не только право, но и обязанность тоже. 3.Каждый ребенок должен получить среднее образование, 4.В школе ученики изучают академические предметы, такие как русский язык, литература, математика, история, английский язык и другие предметы. 5.После окончания 9 классов молодые люди могут продолжить образование в 10 или 11 классе, в ПТУ или техникуме. 6.После окончания средней школы молодые люди могут поступить в ПТУ, техникум, институт или университет. 7.Студенты институтов и университетов получают стипендию. 8.Образование в нашей стране бесплатное во многих школах, 9.Имеются также школы, где ученики должны платить за обучение. 10.Во многих институтах и университетах есть отделения, где студенты должны платить за свое обучение.
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